viernes, julio 06, 2007

sleep deprivation (by S.)

Walking over crushed ice
dragging the blanket of time
or the pillow of dispair
stressed out staggering
and crazy
more hopeless than ever
for if pain is eternal
you would be there to soothe it, as well eternally
Companion for a lifetime
like that guy that rides the bus
with his invisible best friend
invisible but more alive than fleshed beings
schizophrenia has never been my cup of tea
I have always preferred B.E.E.R.
as a tonic for a broken heart
or a collapsed organ
Unknown cause
for this anxiety
if only things could become lethal
We are a whole bunch of cells
I will be walking in this life
navigating in this existence for a while

...It is just so silly that we make such a fuss out of the word P.U.R.P.O.S.E.
Tomorrow I work
and within 3 days
I will be again absorbed by the sponge of my routine

3 comentarios:

Fernando S. dijo...

Valgame diatiro presa de las drogas la autora jajajajajajajaa

Lady Godiva dijo...

eit yuju yuju!!! aki estoy mirame mirame!!!

Fer Sandoval dijo...

Osea, pos ya agarra seriedad y duerme bien! JAJAJAJAJAJAJ son adoptadas las dos.